Yesterday I spoke about how I decided to change my career by finally accepting and going after what I wanted.
Now I always wanted to be an actress, and even though I had said this to everyone growing up, it was a career frowned upon by my school, parents, relatives, and so on.
So when I finally couldn’t deny the yearning to go after my dream, nothing was going to stop me.
There was a lot of fear involved. Fear of telling people. When your friends are engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, computer scientists, it is really hard to say you are breaking out of the norm and doing something completely different, even if you know they will support you.
My family and relatives had the fears that often gets heard:
“You are too old to do acting”
“You won’t make any money”
“That’s not a job. That’s a hobby”
“How are you going to be successful”
“That job is for other people”.
Their thoughts and fears could have stopped me. Which actor hasn’t at some point thought these.
But I knew that was what I was doing no matter what!
No one’s judgements, thoughts, fears, arguments were going to stop me, because it didn’t matter. I knew what my vision was and I was going to go for it!
And I’m so glad I did. I loved doing the short films I did, appearing on stage, making really great friends. It was worth it.
It was also what led me into teaching fitness and mentoring. None of which would have happened without taking that leap of faith.
I know how important it is to just go for it. The things that are frightening you will always be there, but you have a choice of listening to the fear or listening to your desires.
That is why I have created this powerful Permission To Be You programme.
Give yourself the permission to do what you want! Together we are going to make that dream job come into your reality. No more daydreaming. You will embrace your confident and kick ass self and have the determination and focus to go for what you want NO MATTER WHAT!
Instead of being at the mercy of your fears, you will tune into your warrior power. You will work from the inside out, because those fears, beliefs, what you ‘should’ be doing are the very things keeping you stuck and stopping you from stepping up into your amazing self!
You will have clarity on what actions to take to reach your dream job and will put those actions in place.
All in 21 days!
This programme is open to 5 people only. I will work with those I know are ready to make a change in their life.
Tomorrow, I will get in touch with more information. If you are ready to book your clarity call and get the ball rolling to find out more, you can below, otherwise I’ll be in touch tomorrow.
Have an amazing day!