
Workshops are a great way to get an introduction into the Energy Alignment Method and how it can change how your love life is right now, whether it is to find that special someone or improve your current relationship. 

Below you will find details of upcoming workshops. 

Banner for Find Mr Right, not Mr Right Now workshop

Are you finding you keep attracting Mr Wrong?

Do you keep ending up in a relationship that isn’t what you want?

Are you settling for just anyone?

Well, you don’t need to settle and you don’t need to stay in the pattern of attracting the wrong guy. The energy you put out affects who you attract to you and the kind of partner and relationship you have.

When you start exploring what’s stopping you from attracting Mr Right, everything changes. Instead of attracting guys who only want a casual fling when you want love, you’ll attract guys who also want love. Instead of attracting guys who ghost you, you will attract guys who want to talk to you.

During this workshop, you will:

  • Get really clear about what kind of man and relationship you want.
  • Look at the patterns you are repeating.
  • Identify and understand why you keep attracting Mr Wrong.
  • Align and be magnetic to your dream man.

You absolutely can find Mr Right and have the dream relationship and it starts with looking internally at your energy.

When is the event?
This event has now passed. 

bird breaking free of chain.

Every partner we have dated, slept with, had a relationship with, we hold in our energy. The experiences and relationships we have had, we hold in our energy. We can be energetically tied to our exes. 

These past relationships, no matter whether it was one night or several years, will influence how you show up in your next relationship. 

When you let go energetically of your exes, you clear your energy and any ties to them, which means you aren’t taking all the resistances into a new relationship. It means allowing your energy to be open and ready to receive that ideal partner and relationship. It means you are entering any new relationship with your energy wholly you. 

This workshop is perfect for you to let go of any exes that might be lingering in your energy. 

You will feel more confident and have love and acceptance for who you are and what you’ve experienced. 

You will be more magnetic to the partner you want, who supports and respects you as you are.  

You will attract the relationship that brings you love and happiness.

Click below for more information about the workshop. 

The workshop is 2 hours and online. 

New workshop dates coming soon.