Below are podcasts, articles and TV where Warrior In Training / Ceza Ouzounian has been featured. Click on the images to find the full article or episode.

Dauntless PR: Invisible To Invincible
My new book, Dauntless: Invisible to Invincible is published! I’m one of the 20 authors involved who are sharing our stories of steeping out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

Man in Relationship Cheered for Letting Ex-Wife Stay the Night: 'Etiquette'
When is it ok for a man to let his ex-wife stay the night? These were my contributions to the discussion.

Mom Who 'Blew Up' at Sister-in-Law for Not Babysitting Last Minute Slammed
Giving my thoughts regarding this situation and what tips I'd give the sister-in-law.

Shock as Woman Falls 'In Love' With Husband of Partner's Mistress
Check out my thoughts and advice as an award winning Relationship Expert on this story of a woman falling for her husband's mistress's partner.

'I Left a Toxic Relationship and Found 'The One' Six Months Later'
Another one with Newsweek. This time I am sharing my story and journey of how I went from a toxic relationship to finding the love of my life in a short time.

Brides on Asking for Money Instead of Wedding Gifts
For my wedding, we asked for money instead of gifts. Our reasoning and tips for readers wanting to do the same has been used in this article for Newsweek.

Your Ultimate You: She did it for herself.
I was featured on Your Ultimate You Podcast with Jessica Barratt. I share about my origins, challenges, life and how to turn up as the authentic you.

Exercise motivation: Habits to improve workout performance
Giving my tip for exercise motivation in this article for The Stylist.

Internet Slams Man 'Jealous' of Wife's Family Time as Dad Battles Cancer
Check out my thoughts as a Relationship Expert on the man who was slammed on the internet for being jealous of his wife spending time with her family.

The £1TRILLION property boom
I was featured in the Daily Mail's property boom article regarding how much British homes shot up by in the pandemic.

Bulletproofing your relationships
I join KP's podcast to talk about all things relationships. Toxic relationships, the tinder generation and how to protect yourself if you are serial dating. Most importantly we talk about the relationship with ourselves, inner work so that we can present the best version of us to the world and our partner.

LOVE! Improving your Relationship with yourself and others.
I join Maria C Krause'd podcast to talk about the importance of self care to be able to give others the best of us. Not everyone is aware of the importance or even know where to start with it, or how it affects their relationships.

5 Steps to Attract Your Dream Mate
My first article for Brainz Magazine. The last year has been hard to date and meet new people, and we aren’t back to normal just yet. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t put the inner work in so that when you are out and about again, it’ll be easier to attract your dream mate. In this article, I take you through 5 steps you can take now to attract your dream mate.

Unchain Your Authentic Soul Book
I'm so excited of our international best selling book. 11 woman & I share the experiences, the ups and downs in life that have got us to where we are. This book is to inspire other women to rise up & be amazing because we all have a powerful message to share with the world. Real women turning their deepest pain & fears into superpowers. All money raised goes to the charity, Operation Underground Railroad.

Step Into Your Power & Boost Your Relationship
Guest blog feature on Hazel Addley Coaching. When you think about having an amazing relationship that is full of love, passion and excitement, do you think about working on yourself first? Or is all your attention on what’s not so good about the relationship and your partner?

Overcoming Stress with Fitness & Energy Coaching
Guest blog feature on Tingle & Grow. My personal story of how fitness and energy coaching helped me overcome stress. The two biggest things that have affected my health is stress and sleep (or I should say lack of sleep).

"Ceza Ouzounian, out of Glasglow, Scotland, shares her journey from being an engineer to actress to Fitness instructor and mentor. A journey that got her to the lowest point in her life. She then shares the BRAVE decision that changed it all around. I love her beautiful spirit, her joy and desire for everyone to find their happy! Don’t miss this episode if you want a dose of inspiration! Stay brave!" Jena Rodriguez.

"This was packed full of insight around the incredible benefits of EAM of which Ceza is a founding member! We also discovered how her journey began and what up's and downs she has experienced as an entrepreneur thus far!" Jennifer Hardie

"Tell me if you’ve ever been in this situation? You are out with a friend, you’ve spent the day together and now are at the pub for a pub lunch. It is sunny, you’ve had a great day chatting, laughing and generally having a chilled out day! You feel relaxed and happy. Then your friend says a harmless comment and suddenly your mood goes from happy and relaxed to really bad mood..."

"Recently, I realised my life had become all work. Being an entrepreneur and running your own business isn’t easy. It takes a lot of time and work to make it successful. But what do you do when you realise that’s all your life has become?...."

"Body Confidence is an interesting topic. Now I’ve not always had the best body, at the moment, I’m at my heaviest but I’ve never not felt confident about my body. Admittedly, in the grand scheme of body size, I’ve always been considered slim. But being slim in the eyes of others doesn’t change how you feel about your body..."

Ceza'a feature on Dijana's Fearless & Successful Podcast sharing her tips and advice. The podcast is split into 2 parts. Part 1: Part 2:

"The best thing a woman can wear is her confidence. I’m a firm believer of this and it’s one of the reasons I started to work out and got into fitness. I wanted to feel better about my body and fitness together with eating healthy really helped me. But there is one exercise than can make you directly feel confident and sexy. The fun burlesque inspired fitness class, burlexercise..." Sabi Phagura

"Ceza takes us on her journey through entrepreneurship and up levelling over the last few years. i adored our chat and we discovered that the key really is self care. Her incredible programme allows women to break through any blocks that may be in their way!"

"Ceza is a Health and Wellbeing Coach, as well as an actress, and has a crazy degree in something completely different. Ceza is not only gorgeous and insanely smart, she is a woman that embraced the challenges that life offered her and embrace them to become the woman she now is. A women in full bloom power..." Maria C Krause
Other features includes appearing on Global Women, Burlexercise Showgirl Instructor of the Month and All Media Business FM Radio Interview. Media for these no longer available.