Ceza is a passionate and inspirational speaker.
Regularly speaking about learning to embrace your inner warrior for greater happiness and health.
She speaks on the topics of Pilates, Fitness, Energy and Mindset.
She is available to be booked for the following talks:
➣ How Pilates Helped Me Heal A 3rd Degree Tear – Understanding how Pilates can make a big difference to the postnatal healing process.
➣ The Importance Of Fitness For Business – How keeping fit can help you grow in your business.
➣ From Failed Engineering Career To A Toxic Romantic Relationship – Why it is so important to work on your mindset and energy.
For more about Ceza, please check out the About page.
Some of her past events and workshops are below.
Boss Up, Goddess Interview
Speaking to Elizabeth Ann Atkins about how to empower yourself in mind, body & relationships. I share tips to help listeners step into their power and share my story of stepping into my inner warrior.

POstPoned: Is your mind stopping you finding love?
Due to Covid-19, this event has been postponed. Once lockdown is over and we can start running events again, I will keep you informed of the date for the talk.
Interview with Francis Herdes
Had an interview with Francis Herdes, talking about moving and how it is so important for the body, how you can incorporate essential fragrances to motivate yourself and I showed some simple Pilates moves you can do.

REAL Women's wellbeing fair
The chance for women to embrace their inner warrior with this workshop. How can you live life on your terms? How do you embrace that inner warrior? That's what all the women who attended this workshop in November 2019 learnt.

Mums In Business Networking Event
To live life on your terms, you must first understand what that life is and what is stopping you getting there. I loved being able to share my knowledge around beliefs and fears that stop us living our potential.

Pilates and Cookery Retreat
It is time to get away from the city and have 3 days away in the amazing Highlands overlooking Loch Ness to rest, recharge and re-energise. During the 3 days participants took part in Pilates, learnt to cook delicious, healthy food and then ate the food! With added time to go for a stroll, visit Loch Ness and chill.

Creatively Well Event
I taught Burlexercise at the 4-hour well-being event, Creatively Well, by Knows No Bounds, a social enterprise project by Kay Young! The Event included mindfulness, Burlexercise, nutrition, and a range of alternative therapies, with info stalls for advice and guidance!

Thermo Fisher Scientific Workshop
How does the subconscious and body's energy affect you at work? What are the factors stopping you from dealing effectively with stress, career progression, productivity? How can you overcome this! I spent the day running a workshop and 1:1s sessions to show employees how EAM can be an affective tool in the workplace.

WEmpower Networking Morning
Looking at the way the subconscious and energy holds us stuck and stops us progressing forwards in work and life. I'll show you how the Energy Alignment Method can help shift those blocks.

Women In Networking Glasgow
To create change, we have to first become aware of how our minds are stopping us! Our beliefs and thoughts shape our business and life. I'll explain some way to tune into your energy and identify what's holding you back.

AMINA Lead the Way Event
Presented my Embrace Your Inner Warrior to a room full of women and girls to remind them to take back power and be in control of your life, to succeed in their life they desire, to go out and live life to their fullest potential.

Embrace Your Inner Warrior
During this 2 hour interactive workshop, you will: - Learn how to use the Energy Alignment Method. - Identify what's holding you back from loving life. - Release the biggest obstacle holding you back right now. - Align to what you truly desire. - Set your intention for the rest of the year to achieve your goals.

International Women's Day
This is a day to inspire and celebrate women. There will be plenty of workshops and stalls on the day. I presented the Embrace Your Warrior Workshop.

East End Connections
I loved being able to share my story and my journey with the members of East End Connections. I spoke how EAM changed my life and how what seemed like unfortunate events actually benefited me in the long run. Anyone can change their life around.