Man at fork in the road

Stop Living in Denial!

Yesterday, I spoke about how you feel and think affects how you come across to another person, and how it affects the outcome of interviews.

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Do you feel like a failure?

Are you a failure?

What are you doing wrong? Why do you keep failing at getting the job you want?  I’ve been there. When you keep applying for that job you

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Playing PS4

Let’s have fun

For Christmas my boyfriend got me a PS4. I haven’t played a games console in so long and at the end of last year I

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Stop daydreaming!

You are sitting at your dining table in your house which you love and have decorated the way you want. Your partner has already left

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purple sky

Power of Nature

In December, I had my EAM event, last one with my group of mentees. ☹ They asked me to pick a bracelet as a gift

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Armenian guy rollerblading

Crazy Armenians

Yesterday I came across this crazy Armenian. I wouldn’t personally rollerblade on the highway, but I do like 2 things about this guy. The first thing

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Bear lying tired on a log

Can’t sleep?

How often have you gone to bed and to find you are awake all night? Your brain is unable to switch off and you are

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