When you were little and somebody asked you what you would like to be when you grow up, what did you say?
I bet you didn’t ever reply with words like “out of control, unhappy, chaotic, surviving, just getting by, shackled …”
How many of those words are what you feel now?
When we look into the future, we don’t see an expanding sea of suffering or a never-ending horizon of no independence or control – giving our lives over to other forces for power.
We look out and see what will make us happy, the dreams we have, the desires we step into.
And yet, we put off the changes we need to make to get there because, well, it’s stepping into a new world.
No matter how bad it feels where you are now, at least you know it.
You may even have comfort IN the discomfort.
It’s time to say no more and to create the reality we have dreamt of, we do dream of … it’s time to say no more to keeping it in a dream.
I am sharing my experience of doing exactly this and the work I share with my clients to do this in a free 3 day event:
Be Your Own Warrior
So that you too can break the shackles, trust yourself and live a life you love
Join me live 15th – 17th October
Join Warrior In Training.