Warrior Love Programme

Are you ready for your dream relationship?

The Warrior Love Programme is what you need to elevate your love life.

Are you dreaming of that ideal relationship, where you show up as the real, authentic you, loved and respected by your partner? Perhaps, you are in a relationship and want to spark the romance again? Or, maybe you are single and ready to find that special someone? I have the support and tools to make it happens, more quickly than you thought possible.

This programme is on pause as I will be on maternity leave until later in the year. Feel free to join the waiting list and I will be in contact once it is up and running again. 

In the meantime, please join the 4 week on-demand course: Love Unlocked: A 4-Week Journey to Break Free from Dating Struggles and Foster Lasting Love.

The Warrior Love Programme is for you if:

  • You feel like you are hiding who you are and not being the real you in your relationship. 
  • You are tired of ending up in relationships that are wrong for you and attracting a partner that doesn’t appreciate and respect you. 
  • You feel unhappy, unloved, unsupported and trapped in your relationship.
  • You want to be with someone who understands you, who you can share special moments with and who enhances to your life.
  • You crave a relationship and partner that lifts you up. 

If any of these are resonating with you, then the Warrior Love Programme could be the start of an exciting new phase in your life. 

How does the programme work?

  • On the Warrior Love Programme, you will get to work on you and your energy and this will take your love life and relationship to the next level. 
  • Using the Energy Alignment Method you can tune into what is going on on a deeper level, identifying the resistances and blocks stopping you from attracting what you desire.
  • You will step into alignment and call in all you desire. You will have clarity and know what steps to take to get to where you want to be.
  • You will stand in your power and be the powerful, unapologetic version of you, that shines bright with confidence and courage.
Love couple

Module 1 - What do you desire?

Get your energy in alignment and flow by learning how to use the Energy Alignment Method. Get clarity on what you truly desire.

LIBERTE - Colombe - Chaine

Module 2 - Let go of the exes.

Time to let go of past relationships and partners that can still be in your energy affecting you relationships now.

Frise-Jeux d'enfants-arc-en-ciel

Module 3 - Release childhood experiences.

Delve a little deeper into your childhood and release the resistances that are stopping you moving forwards.

Rose colored glasses - symbol of hope, happiness and love

Module 4 - Rosy Pink Spectacles.

Understand yourself better and how you see the world. How is your perspective affecting your love life?

Young woman sitting inside transparent glass bubble and crowd of people. Concept of separation from society, social isolation or solitude, unsocial person. Flat cartoon colorful vector illustration.

Module 5 - Standards and Boundaries.

Create a relationship that works for you and is allowing you to bring your A-Game to the relationship.

understanding and communication process concept

Module 6 - Core Values and Communication

Discover your core values and what makes you you. Learn to listen and communicate effectively with your partner.

People watch comedy.

Module 7 - Fun, sex and laughter.

How to make your relationship fun, have connection and be intimate.

Young woman embraces a big red heart with mindfulness and love. Smiling female character sits in lotos pose with closed eyes and enjoys her freedom and life. Body positive and mental health concept.

Module 8 - Self-Love.

Looking after you is a vital part of a healthy relationship. Step into your power and your authentic, warrior self. When you feel whole and confident, it helps the relationship blossom.

Pilates Snap Shot

Bonus - Pilates Online Membership (worth £120)

Movement is so powerful for getting in touch with the body, releasing emotions and stress held in the body and getting out the head, while boosting good hormones. The mind-body connection is often overlooked, but so so important.

What’s included? 

  • This is a 6 month programme, with lifetime access to the materials. 
  • Videos and PDFs with explanations and exercises to work through. 
  • Access to me to ask any questions you have. 
  • My support throughout the whole journey.
  • Fortnightly group Zoom calls. 
  • 6 x 1:1 coaching sessions (on the VIP option). 
  • 6 months access to the Pilates Online Membership.

Currently on pause until I’m back from maternity leave. 

There are 2 price options and all have payment plan options too. 

VIP option – £3,000
Group only option – £2250

I have been where you are…

I spent years single and then entered a relationship that pushed my boundaries. I was with someone who was never going to give me what I wanted because he wasn’t the right person for me. I allowed myself to stay in a relationship that made me unhappy and paranoid that he was cheating on me. And when I discovered him messaging another women, I gave him several chances to stop, before I left. I put up with his insecurities and allowed myself to change who I was to stay in that relationship. 

No one should change who they are to be in a relationship! 

Yes, we evolve, grow and compromise in a relationship, but we don’t change our core personality. Looking back at this relationship, I realise how many toxic elements it had. However, I also see how I ended up in that relationship. 

Doing the inner work on myself, looking at my past relationships, looking at my life, looking at how I felt, what I wanted and using EAM, meant I changed where I was at. 

7 months after breaking up with my ex-boyfriend I met the man that I married in April 2022. 

Ceza and Russell on their wedding day

I want you to be able to show up to your relationship as the authentic, real you.
I want you to be with someone who loves, accepts and adores you for who you are.
I want you to have a relationship full of support, respect and trust.
I want you to have the relationship you truly desire. 

I don’t want any woman to have to compromise on what is important to her, I don’t want her settling or putting herself last in her life.
You are worth it and you deserve the happiness and love you desire. 

Now as an award winning Relationship & Love Coach, I know what you need to do to have the love you want.

On this programme, we focus on you and your energy because working on you is the biggest game changer there is. It is the thing that will get you closer to what you want, as well as bring clarity to what you desire and how to get to where you want to be. 

You have all the answers, I help bring them to the surface.  

You’ll walk away from this programme with more confidence, increased self-esteem, standing in your power and make decisions that are right for you. That will help you go after what is right for you. 

What previous clients have said:



The Energy Alignment Method, or EAM, is a simple 5 step technique that allows you to tune into your energy and subconscious and get clarity on the underlying issues and to identify what is holding you back. EAM is a great tool to let go of stress, overwhelm, indecision, fears, limiting beliefs and patterns.  

Once you’ve let go of those negative beliefs and patterns, you align to what it is you want. Creating new neural pathways that allows you to create more positive habits and behaviours to get you closer to your goals. 

EAM bridges Eastern & Western Principles, incorporating eastern spiritual principles, universal laws, therapeutic methods and energy work. The method is based on modern research into quantum physics, neuroscience and neurocardiology. 

EAM was created by Yvette Taylor, who has personally trained Ceza and she is one of 16 Founding EAM Mentors Worldwide.   

One of the reasons we love EAM is because it is so effect and quick to shift your energy and get you into a state of flow.  

What does flow mean? That is when you can create changes on physiological, psychological and energetic level, to be able to manifest what you desire.  

This is perfect for both single people and those in a relationship because you focus on you and your situation. This is a tool you have to use at any point in your life, so even if things change, no problem, you can still apply everything you have learnt.  

At Warrior In Training, we use EAM because it is so powerful, yet so simple. It allows you to delve into the subconscious and your energy to find the roots of limiting beliefs, patterns, emotions, thoughts, etc, without having to relive the event. It also brings attention to events that seem insignificant but are having an impact. It allows you to really clear those negatives and re-align to positive outcomes. It makes you more aware of your intuition and your own guidance. It is such a life-changing tool. Once you get the hang of it, you can use it any time for the rest of your life. 

Of course you can. However, working with a coach on a group programme will have significantly greater and faster results. There is only so much you can do alone without getting sucked into the situation that you are experiencing. A coach is not emotionally involved and can be there to support what you are going through. 

By working through the questions and exercises in the programme and understanding and identifying your resistances, and how they show up in your life, you can change everything in your life.

Identifying the resistances and how they show up will help you let go of their affects on you, letting go of past negative experiences, childhood experiences, limiting beliefs, negative self talk, emotions that get triggered. 

It means you can align to what you desire and take the actions needed to make things happen, to get the results you want, to have that relationship you desire! 

I’m sure you will love the programme, but if you choose it isn’t right for you, please get in touch. You have 14 days to ask for a refund. Any content shared during that time will be deducted from the full refund payment.

You will receive access to the programme modules that will give you all the content to do the work from home.

There will be fornightly group calls to discuss how you are getting on and any issues coming up.

You will have access to me between calls.

The VIP option gives you all access to content, group calls, but you will also receive 12 x 1:1 coaching sessions, where you will dive a bit deeper and it will be more bespoke to you. It gives you that little bit extra, so you can make quicker progress.

I don’t offer one-off 1:1 coaching sessions as one session isn’t going to change anything. 

It takes time and commitment to create change in our lives. There are so many different things that affect our relationships and all of those need to be looked at. The programme gives you all the different things to explore, while still having guidance and help from me. 

The beauty of this programme is you will become confident in using EAM and you will be able to keep using it for the rest of your life. 

If you want to do this programme and are worried about the investment, drop me an email and we can have a chat. 

If it isn’t the right time for you to do this programme now, there are a few other options.

There is the 5 days Experience where you will learn about your blocks, EAM and moving your love life forward, all for £7. 

There are several free offerings available too. Check out the Freebies page

Join my newsletter and get tips and advice every week. 

If you are resonating with the problems and desires listed below, then yes, this programme is right for you. 

If you are experiencing the following problems:

  • You aren’t happy with how your love life is.
  • You’re finding it difficult to get out dating again. 
  • You want a relationship but keep attracting the wrong person.
  • You know your low self-esteem is attracting the wrong person.
  • You want to walk away from a relationship not working. 
  • You feel unappreciated, unsupported and unloved in your relationship. 
  • You’re never able to attract the kind of relationship you want. 
  • You want to improve your communication skills to be heard. 
  • You’re stressed and depressed.
  • You’ve lost the intimacy in your relationship – emotional, physical and sexual. 
  • You’re arguing regularly.
  • You want to fix a struggling relationship. 

You are ready to: 

  • To have the relationship you desire with the partner that is everything you want in a partner. 
  • Fix your relationship.
  • Attract the right relationship to you.
  • Clarify your relationship goals and how to work towards them. 
  • Improve communication and listening skills.
  • Learn and accept the difference between you and your partner.
  • Have more intimacy – emotional, physical, sexual. 
  • Improve your mood and feel happier more consistently. 
  • Break old patterns and habits keeping you from your relationship goals.
  • Look within to create a relationship you love. 
  • Release the limiting beliefs, emotions and past experiences.
  • Embrace you fully and bring the real you to any relationship.
  • Be more confident.
  • Be proactive to change your current situation. 
  • Improve a struggling relationship or have the courage to walk away.

Diamond Access - £2500

Access to all the content online, groups calls and 12 one-to-one coaching sessions with Ceza to do a deep dive specifically on what is coming up for you, plus access to Pilates Online. ONLY 4 space available on the Diamond.

Gold Access - £1200

Access to all the content online and fortnightly groups calls, plus access to Pilates Online.

Silver Access - £800

Access to all the content online and access to Pilates Online. This option DOES NOT include group calls.

Warrior Love Programme

Full Payment
£ 1200 One payment
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • Pilates Online Membership

Warrior Love Programme

Payment Plan
£ 200 x 6 monthly payments
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • Pilates Online Membership
Most popular

VIP Warrior Love Programme

Full Payment
£ 2000 One payment
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • 12 x 1:1 Coaching sessions over 6 months
  • Pilates Online Membership

VIP Warrior Love Programme

Payment Plan
£ 333
x 6 monthly payments
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • 12 x 1:1 Coaching sessions over 6 months
  • Pilates Online Membership

Warrior Love Programme

Full Payment
£ 1200 One payment
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • Pilates Online Membership

Warrior Love Programme

Payment Plan
£ 200 x 6 monthly payments
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • Pilates Online Membership
Most popular

VIP Warrior Love Programme

Full Payment
£ 2000 One payment
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • 12 x 1:1 Coaching sessions over 6 months
  • Pilates Online Membership

VIP Warrior Love Programme

Payment Plan
£ 333
x 6 monthly payments
  • Access to all content
  • Fortnightly calls
  • Support and guidance
  • 12 x 1:1 Coaching sessions over 6 months
  • Pilates Online Membership

Your relationship can be everything you want it to be – you can have that partner you desire and that relationship you want. When you work on what is going on within you, then anything is possible. 

To have a chat to see if this is right for you, book a call with me or get in touch by email

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