Ceza Ouzounian

"Ceza Ouzounian is an award winning Relationship Coach, Fitness Instructor and international best selling Author. She helps women shift their resistances, align to what they desire and feel empowered and confident to take actions and create the life they want. Ceza has won the Scotland Prestige Award and Brainz CREA Global Award. She has appeared in Migrant Woman Magazine and Sabi Phagura’s fitness blog, and on podcasts Bulletproofing Birds and Unchain Your Inner Strength. Ceza’s international best selling book, Unchain Your Authentic Soul, co-authored with 11 other women shares the experiences and ups and downs in life that got them to where they are. The book launched in 2020 is to inspire other women to rise up and share their powerful message with the world. Ceza brings wisdom and an ability to see through people’s barriers to get to the underlying issues. She brings warmth, understanding and humour together to create a nurturing and encouraging environment. Whether teaching a fitness class or coaching a client through a relationship problem, she firmly guides them and keeps them on track. Having herself been through a toxic relationship, she has an understanding of what her clients have experienced and she brings this experience to any session. When Ceza isn’t working with a client, she can be found hanging upside down on an aerial hoop or shovelling manure around her allotment. Her new found love of baking has resulted in experimenting with different cakes and desserts ideas, which she happily feeds to family and friends."

Snap shot of class 209

209 10 Minutes of Abs, Glutes & Back

https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/209-09.08.21-part-1-copy.mp4https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/209-09.08.21-part-2-copy.mp4https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/209-09.08.21-part-3-copy.mp4 Pilates Online #209 10 Minutes of Abs, Glutes & Back Good morning, Today’s session is broken up into 3 separate videos, approximately 10 minutes long. You can do them as a quick 10 minute workout, or put them together to create a longer workout. First video focuses on the abs.Second on the glutes. Third

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Snap shot of class 208

208 Opening Up the Hips and Chest

https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/208-05.08.21-copy-2.mp4 Pilates Online #208 Opening Up the Hips and Chest Good morning, Today’s session is about opening up the hips and the chest. It is focusing on stretches and mobility exercises to get the muscles and joints moving and supporting the body. This is great if you find you are spending a lot of time

208 Opening Up the Hips and Chest Read More »

Snap shot of class 207

207 A Little Bit Of Everything

https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/207-02.08.21-copy.mp4 Pilates Online #207 A Little Bit Of Everything Good morning, Today’s workout is a whole body workout, focusing on all the areas of the body. A little bit of glutes, core, obliques, arms, back, legs. A great way to get the whole body working in a short time. 33 min. class Mixed level

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Snap shot of class 205

205 Rotation, Hips and Inner Thighs

https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/205-26.07.21-copy.mp4 Pilates Online #205 Rotation, Hips and Inner Thighs Hello everyone,  Today we are focusing on rotating the body in various ways to give all the muscles supporting the spine a stretch, opening up the hips to allow for mobility and working the inner thighs (because sometimes we gotta work those too).  Remember to work to your

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Snap shot of class 203

204 Work the Back with a Foam Roller

https://warriorintraining.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/204-22.07.21-copy.mp4 Pilates Online #204 Work the Back with a Foam Roller Good morning, Today’s session is mainly focusing on the back of the body. We use the foam roller to help with activating the back muscles and to help stretch the body. If you don’t have a foam roller, you can adjust most of the exercises to

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