Relationship Coaching

Man and woman in bed, both turned away from each other, thinking. They look like they've had an argument.

Unveiling the Chains: How Limiting Beliefs Erode Relationships and Ways to Break Free

Relationships are intricate tapestries woven with threads of emotions, communication, and shared experiences. Yet, the presence of limiting beliefs can act as insidious forces, slowly unravelling the fabric of connection. In this blog, we’ll delve into the profound impact of limiting beliefs on relationships and explore strategies to dismantle these barriers, fostering healthier and more […]

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Man and woman sitting at the table on a date. Both looking in opposite directions, clearly bored.

Breaking the Chains: How Limiting Beliefs Impact Dating and How to Overcome Them

Dating is often seen as a journey of self-discovery and connection, but for many, it becomes a battleground of limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth and the potential for meaningful relationships. These beliefs, formed by past experiences, societal pressures, or negative self-perception, can cast a shadow on the dating experience. In this blog, we’ll explore

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Man frustrated and annoyed at wife. Woman crying.

The Fear Factor: Navigating the Impact of Fear on Dating & Relationships

Dating and relationships are exhilarating journeys filled with the promise of connection, companionship, and love. However, these journeys are not immune to the powerful influence of fear. Fear, in its various forms (and it shows up in all sorts of ways), can weave its way into the fabric of relationships, impacting both individuals and the

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Woman checking her man's phone over his shoulder as she doesn't trust him due to insecurities.

Unravelling Insecurity: 10 Common Relationship Triggers

Relationships are complex journeys that often trigger a myriad of emotions, and one of the most challenging feelings to navigate is insecurity. While it’s natural for everyone to experience moments of doubt, understanding the specific triggers that can fuel insecurity is crucial for fostering a healthy, thriving relationship. In this blog, we’ll explore 10 common

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Woman looking sad as she realises all the relationship red flags.

Unveiling the Warning Signs: Recognising and Addressing Relationship Red Flags

Relationship red flags are a warning sign or behaviour that indicates potential issues or problems within a romantic relationship. It shows that something may be wrong or unhealthy in the relationship and requires attention and evaluation. Red flags can manifest in various ways, such as patterns of control, disrespect, dishonesty, or emotional or physical abuse,

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Woman sitting on the floor by her couch. She looks worried. She doesn't want to repeat bad patterns. Photo by Joice Kelly on Unsplash

Fear of Repeating Patterns: Breaking Free from Bad Relationships

It’s understandable to have fears or concerns about ending up in similar bad relationships, especially if you’ve had negative experiences in the past. A big part of the work I do with clients is noticing patterns and doing the EAM work to break unhealthy patterns and create new, healthy and happier patterns. Remember that a

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Let's face facts, love is not always a straightforward path. Sometimes things don't work out and deep down the decision of leaving the relationship becomes the right decision. However, the decision to leave a partner can be a daunting prospect, shrouded in fear and uncertainty.

The Unspoken Fear: Being Scared to Leave Your Partner

Let’s face facts, love is not always a straightforward path. Sometimes things don’t work out and deep down the decision of leaving the relationship becomes the right decision. However, the decision to leave a partner can be a daunting prospect, shrouded in fear and uncertainty. There are many reasons why someone might be feeling scared

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