You’re only one workout away from a good mood!

2011-2012 was a tough couple of years for me. I was feeling pretty shit. I wasn’t finding a job in my field. I was exhausted and depressed of the lack of control of my life. I felt totally lost and trapped.

Thinking back to that time, I realise now, how much time I invested in exercise. I did various exercises from Pilates, weight training, HIIT, Zumba, Body Balance, personal training, Hatha yoga, yoga nidra, Insanity, a whole variety to stuff.

At the time, I felt unhappy about the way things were going. I couldn’t control my situation. The changes I craved weren’t happening. I wasn’t sleeping well. I was rushing around doing a job that I wasn’t interested in, but it paid the bills. I was frustrated and bitter. I felt lonely. I had put on weight as a result of how I felt and my situation.

Exercise, however, made me feel good.

It took me away from everything for an hour.

I focused on me.

I focused on the exercise class or the session. I focused on the exercises I had to do. I focused on the choreography. I could feel my body being challenged.

I enjoyed being in a class environment and feeling the pain with others there and having a laugh about it.

I enjoyed making mistakes during the class, whether it was choreography or a wrong movement.

I enjoyed the sense of community in a group class.

Learning together.
Making mistakes together.
Feeling the pain together.
Seeing results together.

I always left a class feeling amazing!

I didn’t realise at the time how important these classes were to my sanity. They were my escape.

Now I realise why I said yes to training as a Pilates Instructor when my then Pilates Instructor suggested it. It was because my subconscious knew how great exercise made me feel. And how great it will make anyone who I work with feel.

If you’d like to know how exercise can make you feel awesome, tune in tomorrow.

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