Pilates Online #91

Back To Basic: Pelvis

Good morning. 

We are taking things back to basics with this session. Today is all about the pelvis. Making sure the pelvis is in the right position is important for skeletal alignment. If your pelvis isn’t level, it affects your whole body.

I also want you to take the time to notice all the little things in your body. I know I say this a lot in sessions, but it really helps with your Pilates (and movement in general). Notice what happens when different muscles are engaged. We all have different bodies, injuries, alignments, etc, so what one person needs may not be necessary for another person or one person’s weakness is another’s strength, etc.

So I want you to really tune in to what is working for you, what your body is doing, what you are feeling (good and bad), what changes allow you to do the movement with more alignment. This will massively help when you do your Pilates sessions in the future.

#wholebody #pelvis 

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