Ceza as Juliet photo - upset

Trust your intuition

You’ve followed your instinct and decided to do something that’s outside your comfort zone. The decision felt good and the right move. But now your

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Ceza smiling

Celebrate your achievements

Do you celebrate your achievements?Or are you just focusing on what you haven’t yet achieved? This came up for me this week. I realised I

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Ceza in Fitness Studio

Are you an overthinker?

When you are stressed, it is easy to start over thinking. To over analysis every detail, to go through all the scenarios, to replay past

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Wearing lots of layers with sunglasses on head

Embrace the weird

What is stopping you from stepping into who you truly are. Are you embarrassed by parts of your personality? Or your body?Do you worry people

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Ceza in front of Wonder Woman poster with biceps flexed

Love your life

What does stepping into who you truly are mean to you? What it means to me is:☄️ Having a job you enjoy doing.☄️ Living in

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Hiding behind a mask

Stop Hiding

Stop hiding behind a mask! Are you allowing yourself to be you? Truly you. Are you doing a job that you love doing?That means something

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Ceza on an aerial hoop - coffin move

Take time off stress

What are you doing to take time off the stress? Looking for work, applying for jobs, going to interviews, waiting to hear back and repeating

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