Be Your Own Warrior
The reason I am sharing this is because I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I did. To feel lost, to feel overwhelmed,
Call me a fusion
You might call me a bit of fusion. It’s all the rage – fusion food, fusion music and now fusion transformation … Let me explain.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
When you were little and somebody asked you what you would like to be when you grow up, what did you say? I bet you
It was time to end my life!
?It was time to end my life! I was unhappy.I was constricted.I was unfulfilled.I was living someone else’s life.I didn’t even recognise myself anymore. ?With
Bottle things up?
?Ever heard about bottling things up? You’ll explode! ? Well, there’s another way – my way was to stuff it all down. Like sweeping it
Magic wand
?️♀️I searched for a long time for a magic wand. It was a special wand … you may have seen the magic that demi-gods in
***** 3 Steps To Harmony *****
I am running a free 3 day guide to getting your life into harmony. You know when everything is going shit and you feel like
It is ok to fail
Everyone starts at the beginning. At some point we don’t know how to do something and find it difficult. When you first started walking as
Breaking Free
I’ve been working with clients around taking the step to go after what they want. There is fear, indecision and stress about it. They want
Being scared doesn’t get you anywhere!
Yesterday I spoke about how I decided to change my career by finally accepting and going after what I wanted. Now I always wanted
Stop Living in Denial!
Yesterday, I spoke about how you feel and think affects how you come across to another person, and how it affects the outcome of interviews.
Are you a failure?
What are you doing wrong? Why do you keep failing at getting the job you want? I’ve been there. When you keep applying for that job you