Matchmade in scotland
Relationship Coaching

Interview With A Matchmaker

Why did you set up Match Made in Scotland?  I’ve always been passionate about working with people. I spent 10 years in recruitment and volunteering

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Rusty and Ceza
Relationship Coaching

Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day. How does today make you feel? For lots of single people, it can make them sad realising they don’t have a partner

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Thunderstorm by enrique lopez garre from Pixabay
Relationship Coaching

The Building Storm

Sometimes in a relationship we don’t act on things that are bothering us. We let it slide and hope it will sort itself out. Sometimes

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Woman looking out the window sad and in deep thought.
Relationship Coaching

What are you waiting for?

You know your relationship needs to be worked on, but you keep resisting. Why is that?  Are you scared to explore it? Are you worried that

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Woman sitting on wall, facing away, feeling lost.
Relationship Coaching

Distracted at work

You are sitting there at your desk trying to concentrate on what a client is saying but your relationship keeps popping up in your head.

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